Tuesday, June 9, 2009

seven and eight

June 8

Today I filled out 80 gift certificates for $10. I had to number each one. Write
the amount on each one. Date each one. Sign each one.
I don't really want to ever do that again.

June 7

I was kind of a mess today.

I sneezed in the shower and my teeth whitening strips fell out.
I burnt my forehead about three times with a curling iron.
I spilled syrup on my dress during lunch.
I spilled coffee on 99.2 % of my shirt later that day.

One year ago, my brother got married. It was the most miserable wedding I have ever attended. Wyoming, in June, is still way too cold for an outdoor wedding. It was windy. It was freezing. Literally everyone in the audience had hoodies, blankets, stocking caps...whatever warm things they had in their vehicles. A lot of the audience came from Nebraska, so it resembled a Husker football game. Yet we stood in our little dresses. Our muscles tensed up from shivering so much that we could barely move our arms from the "holding the flowers" pose. Ah, Memories. Happy Anniversary Brady and Janelle!


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