Wednesday, June 24, 2009

churches have nuns, cowboys got guns and everyone's waiting to die

so the past few days have been kinda crazy. my boyfriend came to visit me and we had some fun times. here is a list of things we did (all ending in failure)
-we played twister in walmart's parking lot w/ joy, luis, and arturo (we got eaten by mosquitoes and it wasn't very fun)
- david lost his phone in walmart while trying to find a sandwich cooker thing
-we started a fire to cook the sandwich things...we did finally get it, but then it started raining
- david stayed in the rain to cook the got burnt
- we were going to see year one, but we looked it up and there was tons of sketchy stuff so we decided to red box slumdog wasn't there. no worries though cuz joy had a membership to movie gallery
- we went to mcdonalds around 4 am b/c david wanted a milkshake...they don't serve them at that time, they don't serve mocha's either
- we put pennies on the train tracks...too bad it was dark and we couldn't find them.

i also dropped my phone and the screen broke. i'm still using it b/c i can read half the screen. yes is is ridiculous.

i had a dramatic mon. night. i saw this big black blob move across the floor as i was watching tv. i turned on the light and there was this ginormous spider. i didn't know what to do w/ it. it was too big to squish and i wasn't gunna pick it up...i went upstairs to get my dad, but it was midnight and i didn't want to wake him up. stinkin david told me to use windex...but i am not my sister. when i got back downstairs the spider was gone. i went on a search. when i finally found it, i kinda freaked out b/c i wasn't expecting to see it. i got a big hairspray lid and trapped it. i put a heavy flashlight on top and waited til the morning when i asked my dad to kill it. he was surprised at how big it was. i wasn't dad, who can do one handed push ups and fears nothing, said "whoa, it is big" no worries, he got toilet paper, picked up that thing and flushed it down the toilet. yes, it was big.

i watched amazing grace. it wasn't too bad. it was different than i thought it was gunna be. i wasn't paying attention the whole time though b/c i was looking up recipes b/c i feel like making something. i think i found a delicious recipe for a mocha ice cream cake thing. this morning i returned to my love, the chariot. they most definitely rocked my face off. i forgot how much i loved them. everything about them is great. plus i figured out something wonderful. there is a girl singing along on one of there songs and it just came to me this morning, could that be hailey williams, my current favorite girl singer? after a bit of research i found it to be true. just another reason to love them. today i also got my hair trimmed, paid my car registration, and got my hair stuck in the back of my blow dryer...i'm still not sure how it happened. yes, life is crazy.

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