Tuesday, June 16, 2009

win or lose

June 15

Monday. Monday. I hit every red light. That's just something I've come to realize, and even accept. The only time it's ridiculous is when I'm already late for church or when I'm driving home from work at 10:00 and still have to wait at a red light when no one else is on the road. I won a very important bet today. My car isn't in it's prime. It screeches, the transmission is a little rough, and I don't even have a working radio. But my pal's car is in the same situation. Bets were made, "who's car will die first." Today, June 15, David's car died. Deader than dead. My car did not. I won. In fact, I think I may have won a sonic drink for having a lasting car. Bad news is, he has a nicer car now. Mine still screeches and has a bad transmission and a radio that doesn't work. It was a Monday.


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