Sunday, April 1, 2012

Coffee Coffee Coffee!

In my little kitchen its hard to decorate.  And its impractical to put effort and money into working with this specific space when I know we'll be moving in a few months.  My theme is coffee, so other than the matching coffee calendar my mom buys for herself, my sister, and me each year, all I've got is a a pot brewing daily.  I decided to do something cheap and practical that can be used in whatever kitchen I'll be in next.  

Tea towels.  I like to embroider tea towels.  I embroidered my first tea towel in middle school I think, and I have no idea why.  I only know one kind of stitch and my creations never turn out crazy awesome, but its relaxing and just plain fun.  I googled some coffee images to get some ideas and this is what I came up with....


1 comment:

  1. Love these Cherise! I still love my flower ones to pieces. Actually, I just started using them... I didn't want to ruin them.
