Thursday, April 26, 2012

Army Wives

We recently got Netflix.  Yay!  It has proved to be the perfect distraction.  David has been pulling the 8:30pm-5am guard shift and sleeping when he can.  I have it better than a lot of people I'm sure.  I mean I'm grateful a job isn't preventing me from ever seeing my husband, but I'm not really a fan of going to bed alone every night.  Reminds me too much of deployment.  So basically I watch whatever I've discovered on Netflix until I'm too tired not to fall asleep.  

Guess what I found tonight, Army Wives!  I've only seen the past 2 seasons because  1. I didn't have cable at our first apartment  2. I didn't have any t.v. access whatsoever during college.  

I have felt that sometimes the show is a little much.  Soooo much drama yet I felt they almost romanticize army life.  I was curious to see how this all came to be (killa rhymes), so I started with season 1.  4 episodes into it and my opinion has changed.  Not about the current stuff because it is sorta ridiculous, but that first season is pretty legit (I'm not really a fan of that word, but it seems appropriate).  It has captured the speedy relationships, gossip, abuse, crazy on post rules, struggling marriages, the not so lovely side of redeployment, worry, pre-deployment stress, the waiting, never being able to plan, PTSD, bearing burdens alone during deployment.  A lot of the REAL issues were addressed.  Not that that's all to be said for Army life.  There is also the commitment the spouses have for each other, selflessness, friends being there for each other, ending every phone conversation with "I love you" because you know it could be your last, learning to be independent.  A lot of people don't get to experience those things to the same degree. 

 Being an army wife is a growing experience that's for sure.  It is very lonely at times, but I hope to come out of this a better wife, a more capable person, and closer to God than ever before. 

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