Friday, May 11, 2012


I've been desperately wanting to organize my apartment for some time now.  Originally I decided to save it for the 3 weeks David was going to be gone for training, but that got canceled so I didn't get around to it.  And now it almost seems too late since I'll be moving in a month.  It would be stupid to spend money on things that work for this space when I have no idea where I'll be next, but I realized there are some things I could do that should carry over no problem.  I organized our important papers.  That took FOREVER.  The army has so. much. paper.   

I also organized my cupboards.  I bought these little white stand things which are super helpful. I don't have to dig through all my spices and baking junk to find what I want.



I also cleaned up our desk.  Put papers where they belonged (I plan on getting a stacky file thing to make sure the desk stays paper free) and organized all of David's computer junk. 

Before.  David used that bag as a chair. Yikes.


I hope this cleaning/organizing streak continues!


1 comment:

  1. haha my roommate is always stoked when I get in a cleaning streak... and they don't last very long. Paperwork is my least favorite thing to organize, which is why there are piles of papers everywhere in my room :P
