Friday, September 17, 2010

September 16

[It was a good week]

I really have a hard time not counting down the days until the weekend.  This week wasn't any different.  I need to be reminded to live my days, not count them down. But, it was a good week.

*I FINALLY (and I mean finally) skyped with Bo.  It is always too long between our conversations


*The sun has been keeping my little town warm. We still have no idea the rest of the world is feeling autumn.

*I was able to put more pennies in the bank to save up for my birthday trip to Texas to see my sister.  I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!

A few snippets from school:

6th grade boy . . .(who daily, is very concerned with the fact that I'm not married)

"Miss Johnson do you have any, wait no.  You don't have any kids do you?"
        I answered, "No, I don't have any kids.  I'm not married remember?"
"Oh yeah," he thinks for a minute "You're probably never going to get married."
        "Why would you say that?" I asked back, laughing.
Very matter of factly he says, "Because, you never try out any of those websites I tell you to." then he walked away, semi-upset because I was ignoring his help.  

6th grade autistic boy . . . 

A student gave me an airhead today.  I've been getting quite a few of these offerings this week; airheads and fruit by the foot.  Apparently the apple is out.  As I was walking around the classroom checking planners I had the airhead in hand.  I walked by this student's desk and he says, "I smell some extra pounds on you." I could not stop laughing as I asked if he was insinuating that the one airhead was going to make me fat.  Oh, he was.

On a brighter note
I just dearly love daisies.  
Lanterns are starting to catch my eye.


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