Wednesday, September 23, 2009

goldfish & sourpatch

I love roadtrips. they are the best. except for the whole driving part. sometimes i'd rather not. but when there is adventure involved, it rocks. but for those trips that just seem to go on for hours (like traveling through wyoming, nebraska, or kansas) there is a solution. it is goldfish and sour patch kids. there is nothing so delectable. if you're feeling crazy try the flavor blasted goldfish. caution: they leave your fingers really cheesy. i don't enjoy licking my fingers, so i just like plain ol cheddar flavor. go with your gut though and don't be overwhelmed by the many options in the goldfish eisle. make a pro/con list if necessary. because this is a big deal. if need be, look up all the available flavors before you actually go to the store and make a list of your top three (just in case your number one isn't in stock...would'nt want a breakdown in the snack foods). now, the real question is what size of sour patch kids do you want? i go for the 4 lb. bag, but i did discover (quite relectantly) that this little box of sour patch kids has a better flavor than the huge bag ones. they also have a mid size bag and a little individual size. another warning, if you eat too many of these little guys, be prepared to get sores in your mouth. all the sour stuff just goes crazy sometimes and it can be a little umcomfortable. anyways, if you're going on a roadtrip, give these a try. you won't be dissappointed. peace.

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